No Repair, No Cleaning, No Commissions

Home Selling Make Simple & Hassel Free

Sell Your House

How Do I Sell My House In Colorado Fast For Cash?

We Offer Cash For Your CO House Fast. Here’s How…

By eliminating the middle person, (agents, banks, inspectors, etc.) and by simply paying cash we can significantly uncomplicate things. We can truly make buying your house as simple as it gets.

Why Sell Your Home To Us?

Chris Curry

Sell Your House The Easy Way.

Hi there, I am Chris Curry, and I am the owner at Chris Curry Real Estate. I will be your guide, walking you through the entire process getting your no-obligation-to-accept, all-cash offer started. Don’t worry, it is all free without any cost involved and without any obligation to accept any offer we make you. 

Step 1

Send Us Some Info

Just fill in the form below, and you’re all set! We’ll get the process started.

Step 2

We’ll Get In Touch

We’ll call you and make an appointment. Virtual walk-throughs available

Step 3

Get Your Cash

If you like our offer, simply set a closing date and you will get your cash then and there!

Hear Directly From Our Clients

What People Are Saying About Chris Curry

Why Sell Your Home To Us?

Selling a house is not an easy task which usually involves lots of time, effort, and great expenses 

sell a house without inspection

This explains the steps involved...

but what exactly goes on behind the scenes?

To sell your home fast for cash in Colorado, we encourage you to educate yourself before you decide what your best options are.

What follows next is a well thought out, fully detailed explanation on how the entire house buying process works from beginning to end. 

Please read through this as reading this article will make you the expert on the topic.

How To Sell A House Fast (Just 5 Easy Steps)

Selling your house can be a daunting task, especially when you need it sold fast. By selling your house for cash, you can drastically speed things up. This guide will walk you through the entire process of selling your house for cash to a cash home buyer from start to finish.

Here’s What You’ll Need:

sell a house without inspection

How To Sell A House Fast (Just 5 Easy Steps)

Selling your house can be a daunting task, especially when you need it sold fast. By selling your house for cash, you can drastically speed things up. This guide will walk you through the entire process of selling your house for cash to a cash home buyer from start to finish.

Home Buyer

What is a Cash Home Buyer?

A cash home buyer is any person, company or entity (usually a real estate investor), capable of buying your house in cash without the need for financial support from banks, lenders or other 3rd party financial institutions. As the purchaser is providing their own money, they are the final decision makers thus eliminating need for approvals or inspections from 3rd party institutions, drastically speeding up the transaction.

5 Easy steps to get your house in CO sold fast!

1. Step

Find A House Cash Buyer.

The most common method for finding cash home buyers is by doing a Google search for: “We Buy Houses [your City] [your State]“, “Sell My House Fast [your City] [your State], or “Cash For My House In [your City] [your State], and choosing the top ranking results.

2. Step

Do Your Due Diligence.

Not all cash home buyers are the same. The offer amount and thus the method used to arrive at your offer often differs significantly. For this reason you should go over their website,visit their “How It Works” page, their “About Us” and/or “Our Company” Page, and make sure there are credible reviews from real actual people that sold their house to them.

3. Step

Submit Your Information.

Once you found a reputable house buyer, it is time to get your cash offer started by submitting your information. The information needed from you is 1) a reliable way to contact you (usually a phone number or email address), 2) the address and 3) some details on the current condition of the house and what repairs it needs, if any.

4. Step

Schedule Your Appointment.

Once the information is received, an appointment can be scheduled where you can meet the buyer, and walk through the property together. You can ask them any questions you may have and by the end of the walkthrough your offer is presented and discussed. There should never be any costs associated for these services and the offer is a no obligation to accept offer.

5. Step

Schedule Your Closing Date. Get Your Cash!

If the offer presented is to your satisfaction, you can set a date for closing. During closing you will get the cash and that’s it. You sold your house for cash to a cash buyer successfully! Usually it is the cash buyer that will pay for all closing costs, making sure the transaction is as attractive as possible for you, the seller.

Ready To Sell Your House?

If you want to sell in as little as five days, fill out this form, and we will contact you ASAP! We buy houses for cash, no matter the condition.

So You Want To Sell Your House Fast For Cash!

We Buy Houses” companies will often try to give you the lowest possible offer. This doesn’t make any sense to us. We spend time and effort doing your home analysis so we can get you cash for your home in CO. We spend time and money driving to properties all over Colorado. All these services are 100% FREE to you! No one will accept a low offer and we would have spent so much time, money and effort for nothing.

Our Offers Are Based On Your Home’s “After Repair Market Value”!

This simply means, we look at what the value of your home would be, completely fixed up. Based on this value we will formulate your offer!

How Exactly?

As is sell

What Do We Know Now?

Well, we know, that If we make the same upgrades to your house (AFTER we buy it from you of course), bringing the house to a very similar condition as your neighbor’s house, we would also be able to sell it for $300K.


We know the Market value of your house if we fixed it up (in this case $300K), and we know the cost of repairs/upgrades. We can now make an offer that works for us. If this offer also works for you, great we close and you get your money at closing! As you can see, we make offers based on the market numbers, not based on how desperate you may or may not be to sell.

The Offer

All you math lovers out there, will appreciate this section. We value honesty and transparency. We have no issues sharing with you how exactly we formulate our offers.

[Your Offer] = [After Repair Value] – [Cost Of Repairs] – [Our Selling Costs] – [Our Minimum Profit]

But in order for you to understand this we need to define some terms.

After Repair Value (ARV): This is what the market value of your house will be AFTER we buy and renovate the house. Yup we are just like your favorite HGTV flipping show.
Cost Of Repairs (COR):  This is what our cost will be fixing/updating the house AFTER we purchase it from you.

Our Selling Costs:  Although we buy houses without involving agents, we on the other hand, have to use an agent to sell that house again AFTER we have purchased it from you and fixed it up. So we have to pay agent fees, closing costs, taxes, holding costs etc. These are all the fees you do NOT have to pay, if you sell your house directly to us ;). This is usually 10% all together of selling price. (Our Selling Cost = 10% x ARV)

Our Minimum Profit:   Yeah, this IS a business after all, and we wouldn’t be able to stay in business, buy more houses, pay contractors, plumbers etc, if we didn’t make some sort of profit. However, we keep this to an absolute minimum so we can present you with the highest possible offer. See, our business model is structured around making many deals with a little profit per deal, and not a few deals with a huge profit per deal. This benefits all.

Here is an Actual Case Study

Let’s take an actual house we recently bought and share with you how it happened.

Step 1

Let’s say this is your house in its current condition:

Not bad right? OK it could use a bit of sweet tender loving but not too shabby. It is just outdated…

Step 2

Now remember, your neighbor with the exact same house as yours?

He got a new roof, updated the kitchen and bathrooms, put granite in, removed carpets and put in hardwood flooring? Well, this is what his house looks like after he did the changes:

Well, no wonder he sold it for $300K, it is gorgeous! WOW!

In order for us to also be able to sell your house (well, our house after we buy it from you) for $300K, we need to bring your house to the same condition as the house of your neighbor, or better, so that we can also sell it for $300K!

Because we will not be able to sell the house in this current state for $300K when all the other houses that are currently for sale in your area look as gorgeous as your neighbor’s. Would you as a buyer be interested in buying a house in lesser condition for $300K when a much nicer house sells for the same price? No, of course not!

So an obvious next question you’d ask, would be:


OK, if the house after it is completely fixed and updated would sell for $300K, for how much would it sell as is?

Sell My House In CO For Cash Or Should I List It As Is?

Let’s say you contacted an agent and she/he says, that your house as is, in its current condition is worth $190K. Now you have contacted the most awesome, friendly, amazing, highest ranking house buyers in all of Colorado… (us.. duhhh)! If you have not,… well, shame on you, you really should!

We would come in, with our contractor and if we can, our agent. (We bring our contractor and our agent to the walkthrough, so that our agent tells our contractor what needs to be fixed (as he/she knows what buyers are currently looking for) and what does not need to be fixed (to save on the cost of repairs)).

Our Agent:  Tells us, that we need granite countertops, because the neighbor across the fence that sold his house for $300K, also has granite, as well as hardwood floors, removing wallpaper, installing new appliances etc.

Our Contractor:  Gives us an accurate COR (Cost Of Repairs).  See, we know exactly what we will do to the house the second we are done with the walk-through and we have already completed the flip in our imagination and we know exactly what all the numbers will look like.


The more accurate these numbers the more accurate (and the higher) your offer will be! Let’s say our contractor gives us a cost of repairs of $70K.

Now We Are Ready To Make You An offer!

[Your Offer] =  [ARV] – [COR] – [Our Selling Costs] – [Our Minimum Profit]

Your Offer = $300K – $70K – $30K – $40K = $160K

Your Offer = $160K

As you can see, we play by the numbers. We do not make offers based on how desperate you may or may not be. We don’t base offers on some percentage of the After Repaired Value (that is ludicrous). We simply add the numbers up trying our best to give you the highest possible offer we can make you, to make sure you will be happy, and thus to make sure the contract will be signed, so that we can get our next flip going! Makes sense doesn’t it!

Analyzing The Offer

So, the house is worth $190K as is, meaning if you listed it with an agent you could sell it for $190K. Yet after 6% agent fees and closing costs you would probably get about $174K for it, after it will be on the market for 4? 5? months! And no one can guarantee the house will actually sell.

So now you have to make a decision.

Sell it for a guaranteed sale for $160K in as little as 5 days, or a “maybe sale” for $174K hopefully within 4 to 5 months.
~Decisions, decisions.

But Wait!!!

What If The Cost Of Repairs Was $30K Instead Of $70K?

Now things get interesting! Now the offer becomes:

[Your Offer] = [After Repair Value] – [Cost Of Repairs] – [Our Selling Costs] – [Our Minimum Profit]

Your Offer = $300K – $30K – $30K – $40K = $200K

Yup! That is $10,000.00 MORE than what the house is currently worth, and almost $30K more than what you would get if you had listed it with an agent (remember that you would only get $174K after all listing and agent fees).  Again, our offers are based on the numbers, not on how desperate you are to sell.

Why Sell Your Home To Us?

Selling a house is not an easy task which usually involves lots of time, effort, and great expenses 

sell a house without inspection

Why Our Offers Are Better?

See, the reason our offers are so fantastic, is because our offers are based on the value of your house as if it were completely fixed up and updated. Yes we figure out how much your house would be worth if it was completely updated.  Then we factor in the cost it would take to fix or update your home.

We can obviously give you more cash for your CO house

We try to do as much work ourselves so that we do not have to pay expensive contractors to do everything. Well, isn’t that nice of us!


Obviously we can not always do this as we buy sooooooo many houses at a time, but we can genuinely try to keep contractor numbers as low as possible so we can get you the highest number for your house in cash

Hear Directly From Our Clients

What People Are Saying About Chris Curry

Ask Anything

Have Questions? Let us Guide you

Yes, because I have the past experience of helping over 3,000 families, and I have no middleman fees or expenses

That is what I am here for, fun fact, I bought a home in 2005, that had a goat and chickens living in the kitchen. No bank would touch it, I helped the sweet older woman move into a long-term care home, and the goat and chickens to a farm. Fixed the home up, and a lovely family bought it. I know many homeowners could fix a home up but might not have the money. That’s why I am here, to help you! 

No Fees, no funny business, no games, just a win-win offer

Seriously, you could leave everything in the home and just walk out. I will handle the rest. No cleanup, no fix-up, no sweeping.. Just take whatever you want, and walk out.. That is why you are selling your home to me, to make your life easy.

Because I am different. I am here to help you, not sell you. After helping 3,000 families with win-win solutions to tough real estate situations, I am taking from experience. I also can pay MORE $$ for your home then all my competition. How, because I have been doing this for 21 years!

Nope, it’s as easy 15 min chat, and we can make a win-win deal, and closing can be as quick as 5-10 mins, then you get your check!

I buy homes fast, for cash, at your ultimate price, from anyone. I’ve stopped foreclosures, bought homes minutes before they sold on the courthouse steps, moved entire farms of animals, negotiated divorces, handled homes burnt down to the bare bones, cleaned up mold that took over an entire attic. Bought log cabins, haunted hotels even bought a home from an old school gangster.. Even handled a 100-acre woods sale for a Winnie-the-pooh family. After helping 3,000 families, I have seen almost everything.

What Our Happy Colorado Home Sellers Are Saying

How Can I Quickly Sell My Home?

Our home-buying process is simple, as you can see below:

Fill Out The Form

Tell us where your house is located! We will figure out how much your home could be worth if it was fixed up nicely.

Schedule Your Appointment

During the appointment, we'll work together to figure out how much it would cost to fix up your house. We'll look at things like painting, repairs, and any other work that needs to be done. Our goal is to make selling your house as easy as possible, with no surprises along the way.

Pick A Closing Date

When you agree to our offer, we'll schedule a flexible closing date. You'll receive your payment quickly and smoothly.

Now We Are Ready To Make You An Offer!

Here Are The Numbers:

ARV (After Repair Value) = $300K

COR (Cost Of Repairs) = $70K

Let's say Our Minimum Profit For This Purchase = $40K

As-Is-Value = $190K

We make fair offers based on careful calculations, not on your situation or market estimates. Our goal is to give you the best possible price so we can both walk away satisfied.

How We Make Our Offers Want To Know What Your Numbers Look Like?

[Your Offer] = [After Repair Value] – [Cost Of Repairs] – [Our Selling Costs] – [Our Minimum Profit]

We base our offers on your home’s After Repaired Value (ARV), ensuring you get the highest fair cash offer while we earn a small profit. Here’s how it works!


How We Calculate Your Cash Offer

After-Repairs Value

This is your home’s estimated value after full renovations. It forms the base of your cash offer.

Repair Costs

We calculate what it’ll cost to make your home market-ready. This ensures a higher offer for you.

Selling Costs

We factor in agent fees, closing costs, and taxes to determine the net value.

Profit Margin

We take a reasonable profit to sustain our business while ensuring you get a competitive offer.

Want To Know What Your Numbers Look Like?

Get a free, no-obligation cash offer today by completing our simple form. Sell your house fast without fees.

Your Colorado Home Buyer

Any Condition

We buy houses in any condition—no repairs needed. Fire damage, water issues, or outdated features? No problem. We’ll make you a fair cash offer as-is.

Any Situation

Facing foreclosure, divorce, or relocation? We help in any situation, including inherited properties or problem tenants. Sell your home quickly and stress-free with our tailored solutions.

Any Condition

Unpaid taxes, liens, or major repairs? No challenge is too big for us. Chris Curry makes selling simple by offering fair cash prices and closing quickly on your timeline.